Best Education
By Rugyinsun Al Hafizh
Private education, I think, is better than formal education like in school, because the teacher are paid by parent of the student. In formal education teacher paid by government. So, teacher in formal education don’t teach their students well–but not all. They teach student just to get money, they don’t teach well. Because he get money though they don’t teach their student well.
It’s different with private teacher who paid by parent of the student directly. They have to improve their capability in teaching, because if they are no capable in teaching, they will be fired by parent of the student. So, private teacher always improve their capability in teaching, or they will be lost their job.
One example, in campus–I got it from my friend–many students complaint of the lecturer’s way in teaching. They said that the lecturer give too many task to the students. Besides it, the lecturer often make their students discuss the material with their friend without the lecturer. It’s better to make students habitual in discussing, but if the lecturer lead them. Some of lecturer don’t lead the students. So, what for we pay for our education, if we learn by our self? If so, I thing is better if we make learning community by our selves.
Sometimes the lecturer give score to the students according to amount of their task, not the quality of their capability in doing their task. It’s a bad thing in education, but I hope in my campus is nothing.
I hope that will be change to be better. I hope our God help us to do it