
Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

A Paper on the bushes

A Paper on the bushes
By Rugyinsun

            The wind blew softly, touching my skin, feeling me to the previous time when I had been in Seranding hill. The sun was shining, laughing up to the world. The beautiful birds were singing and flying around over the trees. An old man I met there. He was looking for fire-wood.
            He smiled up to me. I saw some lines on his face. He asked me, “What are you doing here?”
            I smiled up to him. “Nothing, Grandpa. I’m just walking around enjoying the beautiful views.”
            “By the way, where are you from?”
            “I’m from Randu Cangkring.”
            “Ow. If you want, I asked you to my home, isn’t far from here.”
            “Mmmm… Ok.”
            I followed him to his house. It was a simple house. He stayed with his wife.
            “Please come in,” she smiled up to me.
            No other there, only both they. I sat on the chair was made by bamboo. Then we talked much about. She told me about their life. They didn’t have child, didn’t have field or garden. Their income was only from selling fire-wood which they take from Seranding Hill.
              Wondering if they are forbidden to take wood there again?

Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

My Grandpa

My Grandpa
By Rugyinsun

            I remember along past ago, when I was child, in the kitchen of my house. I got a little cat in, were eating my chicken. I was angry with it. I wanted to bit it, but it ran fast searching a hole to get out. But it didn’t find it. I ran near it.
          &nbrp; “Doni!”
            I stopped as the voice. My grandpa came near me. I looked at him. He smiled up to me. “What are you doing?” he asked softly.
            “A cat ate my chicken.”
            He smiled again. “So?”
            “I’m gonna kill it!”
            He put his hand on my shoulder. “All beings need to live.” I sighed. “We still have much.” He laughed.
            He is a patient man. Sometimes I didn’t like him, but sometimes I proud of him. One day he told me about my grandma. He told when he met her in the first time. I laughed of it. Indeed, he never angry. He always smiles. But now he was died. I just realize that he is the best. I pride of her, I want be like him.
            I have graduated from college, have been bachelor. I have been a rich man, have a beautiful wife, have a big house, and have a luxurious car. I and she is a new couple. It’s not easy to run. It’s need patience. I felt I should learn how to be a wise man, how to be a patient man.
            My Grandpa? 

Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

The Falling Rain

The Falling Rain
By Rugyinsun

He sat in his dining room. The rain was falling outside. It was evening; he should have gone to the mosque. He looked at in front, no friends there. Nobody walked. The sun was going to lose. Its shine was fading; going to be dark. He remembered yesterday his Moslem teacher asked him and his friends to memorize vocabulary of Arabic.
Her mother came near him. She sat beside him while smiling up to him. “You like dawed?”
He looked at her. He laughed, “Where?!”
“I’m going to make it.”
“How do if you go to the mosque first? You’ll get it when you’re back. Ok?”
He kept silence as thinking something. “Ok.” He sighed.
Her mother took him an umbrella.
“Silla! Make me a fried rice!” shouted her husband.
She sighed. Her son stared at her.

Minggu, 05 Desember 2010

My White Hamster

My White Hamster
By Rugyinsun
            It was walking funny. It lifted its front legs; stood on its back legs. It looked at me. I gave my hand to it. It smelled it. It ran away. I let it gone. It walked on the grass. I read my book. Then my phone rang. I hung on it. “Who is speaking?”
            “It’s me.” The voice of girl.
            “I don’t know you.”
            She laughed. I hung up the phone. I switch off it.
            “Oh, nut!” I got my white hamster were lost. I looked for it around the bushes. I didn’t find it.
            I looked around, was looking nothing. I remembered her, a girl who had just called me. May she was Ranne. She was my closed friend, but we were apart because of her character. When we were child, we used to play together–because we were neighbors. Now, I and she are students of college. I got a change on her.
            When we went home last two month, I got her angry with her little sister. Even she bit her. Whereas, she was a mature girl; she was going to be a mother. Even she didn’t protect his head again like other Moslem girls. Why? She didn’t like the culture in her village anymore. She didn’t like to stay in her village. She said that she was an educated girl; it’s not good to have relation with village people.
            I remembered when we were in the last meeting, she said, “I don’t like to stay in village. I dislike all in village.” I shook my head. “My mother, my mother, I don’t like all.”
            I stared at her; didn’t understand what she meant. “Ranne?”
            “I want get freedom! I don’t want other restrict me!”
            “Why Ranne?”
            “I am bored hearing my parents’ twaddle.”
            I shook my head. “Oh, girl. You’re a girl I pride of. Why?”
            I saw my white hamster was running around me. I caught it. It bit my finger. “Ow!” then I put it in its den.

An Old Woman in Front of the Mini Market

An Old Woman in Front of the Mini Market
By Rugyinsun
            The road was crowded. It was noon.  It was hot. The sun was shining brightly. I walked alone on the sidewalk. On my each step I thought about my future. I was a student of college. Over there, in front of the mini market, I saw a man was laughing. He talked with his friend. Beside them an old woman were sitting alone.
            I stopped my step. I watched it.
            That old woman lifted her hand. The man looked at her awhile, then they gone away, leaved her lifting hand. I stared at her. Then I walked across the road. I stood in front of her. He stared at me. The line at the skin of her face called my heart. Then a smile was drawn on her lips.

A Little Girl in a Rice Field

A Little Girl in a Rice Field
By Rugyinsun

A little girl was in a rice field, she laughed happily. Her mother with her, she took vegetable. It’s not for cook, but for sale. And the money they got was for buy rice. They eat rice, do not eat vegetable. The happy people, the people who have enough money, they eat rice with some vegetable. But that little girl, he just eats rice, his mother also.
            The day is very hot. They were still there. They took much vegetable.
            Along ago, when her husband was not dye; they were very happy, although their house was made by bamboo and wood. They used to thank to their God. All are they had are given by their God.
Her husband was farmer labor. Now, he was died. She is a single mother.
The little girl was running around her mother as laughing; she caught grasshopper. “Be careful, Lia!” her mother declared.
I remember yesterday in a food stall, a man beside me, he was complaining, “It’s not delicious food!” He threw away it. The other stared at him. Oh, my God?

Jumat, 03 Desember 2010

Tidak Sulit

Ternyata mnghafal Al Quran itu tidak sulit. memang, bila dipikir, terasa sangat sulit. mungkin karena terlalu tebal halamannya. Namun,  bukankah Tuhan pernah berfirman, barang siapa mengamalkan suatu ilmu, maka Allah akan menambahnya dengan ilmu-ilmu yang lain. Nah, lakukan saja, setelah itu, insya Allah, ayat berikutnya akan lebih mudah dihafal.

Ada lagi, syukur itu menambah nikmat. Bila kamu sudah hafal, meskipun hanya satu ayat saja, syukuri itu, biar ditambah nikmatmu, tentunya kamu ingin nikmat mudah menghafal Al Quran.

sekian dulu tips dari saya.

Selasa, 04 Mei 2010

Emotional Intellligence is More Importance

Emotional Intelligence is More Importance
By Rugyinsun Al Hafizh

Academic qualified can ensure the better life in future. It is according many people i know. Because people can get tittle to apply job, they can get a job soon, and they can prove to others that they have been graduated. Besides it, they will be respected by others because of their tittle. Also they can measure their competence in certain sector.

But on the other hand, it is not good for us, because the academic qualified require us to be same with others. Sure it is not good, because many potential we have. We can be a creative people, we can increase our emotional intelligence like intelligence in problem solving, to create innovation, to make others like us, to make a worth life and many others. 

Sure we can get it from academic qualified because academic qualified just measure our life from one aspect, from the intellectual intelligence. But it doesn't mean that academic qualified is not importance. It is importance to get a job, but emotional intelligence is more importance because we can make meaningful life if we have  emotional intelligence.

I have story about couple from Agar Cinta Bersemi Indah, crated by Muhammad Fauzil Adhim. The husband didn't want to be accompanied by others when he sick, whereas the wife didn't like to stay alone when she sick. So, if one of them was sick, they got conflict. Because if the wife was sick, the husband didn't accompany her. And if the husband was sick, the wife accompanied her husband.

It means that emotional intelligence is very importance to get a happy life, because useless be a rich people if we are not happy.

I Tell You

Friend, last night i got the source of spirit again. There is a program in Islamic Center. The study is about Ushul Fiqih. The theacer is good. He taught us by telling story. I like him. I remember when i studied with teacher in Ad Duha at 2003, several years ago.

I got motivation to be the best person. I like the atmosphere there. My soul feel peaceful. I hope atmosphere like that always around me until the last of my life. (Rugyinsun)

Sabtu, 10 April 2010

Best Education

Best Education
By Rugyinsun Al Hafizh

Private education, I think, is better than formal education like in school, because the teacher are paid by parent of the student. In formal education teacher paid by government. So, teacher in formal education don’t teach their students well–but not all. They teach student just to get money, they don’t teach well. Because he get money though they don’t teach their student well.

It’s different with private teacher who paid by parent of the student directly. They have to improve their capability in teaching, because if they are no capable in teaching, they will be fired by parent of the student. So, private teacher always improve their capability in teaching, or they will be lost their job.

One example, in campus–I got it from my friend–many students complaint of the lecturer’s way in teaching. They said that the lecturer give too many task to the students. Besides it, the lecturer often make their students discuss the material with their friend without the lecturer. It’s better to make students habitual in discussing, but if the lecturer lead them. Some of lecturer don’t lead the students. So, what for we pay for our education, if we learn by our self? If so, I thing is better if we make learning community by our selves.

Sometimes the lecturer give score to the students according to amount of their task, not the quality of their capability in doing their task. It’s a bad thing in education, but I hope in my campus is nothing.
I hope that will be change to be better. I hope our God help us to do it